Combined Raman and FTIR Micro-spectroscopy


Jobin Yvon Raman introduces the world’s first integrated confocal laser Raman and FTIR microscope system.

µm Scale Spectroscopic Analysis
Jobin Yvon Raman introduces the unique LabRam IR. This instrument combines upon a single benchtop system, both confocal Raman microscopy and the complementary FTIR micro-spectroscopy.

The instrument provides highly specific spectral fingerprints which enables precise chemical and molecular characterisation and identification. Traditionally, only a single technique has been coupled with microscopy - either the Raman or Infrared. The combination of the two provides a full and complete vibrational spectroscopic characterisation and maximises the strengths of the two techniques.

Combination of Technologies: Raman and FTIR
The LabRam IR offers the advantages of Same SPOT analysis where the same position on the sample can be analysed via both techniques and without the need for any sample positioning or instrument adjustment.

It also enables the multi- micro-analysis (MMA) investigations of the same spot using optical, and laser induced fluorescence micro-spectroscopy. 4 techniques in total.

The Raman microscope incorporated into the system is based around the established high performance of the LabRam series of Raman microscopes, offering optimal confocal spatial and depth discrimination down to 1 µm, multiple laser options, and automated XYZ axis mapping.

The FTIR module is hard coupled to the base unit and provides fast FTIR micro-analysis with both contact and non-contact IR optimised objectives. Integration of the module enables quick and easy selection of the required spectroscopic mode.

The resultant Raman and FTIR analysis is optimal providing performance comparable to the very best single mode instruments available whilst the single unit design provides both space and cost savings over the conventional use of separate Raman and FTIR instrumentation.

In recognition of its unique capabilities, the instrument has been awarded the 2002 Pittcon GOLD award for the most innovative new product for analytical measurements, with it´s simplicity in operation, high performance and compactness being a real breakthrough.

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