Introduction - a wide range of application references
Avantes line of spectrometers enables the use in a very wide variety of sensing and sensor applications, such as:
Agriculture - Measure oxygen content of soil, determination of chlorophyll by fluorescence measurements
Astronomy - Measuring the spectrum of stars, planets and comets
Automobile Industry - Measure in-line low concentration of water contamination in oil, measure coating on car glass windows
Biology - To measure chlorophyll concentration and UV absorption, measuring color change and sexual behavior of fish under influence of sunlight
Biotechnology - Measuring survival of microorganism’s population after high UV pulsed light emission.
Chemistry - Determination of Phosphates in burning processes, endpoint detection in crystallization processes, measuring oxygen concentration of gases
Coating Industry - Measure layer thickness of optically transparent coatings
Colorimetry - Color determination of plastics, textile, food, paints, birds, fish, lizards
Construction - Measuring gas content of isolated double glass windows by high-energy spark light emission.
Cosmetics - Measuring color of lipstick, nail polish and hair dye.
Dairy industry - measuring color of milk products and yogurts, measuring consistency of cheese during fabrication process.
Dental - Measuring the color of teeth and spectral analysis of residuals in gums.
Dermatology - Measuring UV Absorption of the skin in correlation with UV protection of digested carotenoids. Determination of penetration of chemicals through the skin into the blood stream.
Environmental - Water quality measurement (chlorine/nitrate) with deep UV absorption, measuring pH of seawater
Film Industry - Controlling the color of thermo graphic films and lightning
Food - Measure water content of tomatoes, potatoes, measure sweetness of carrots and tomatoes, measure origin of olive oil. Determination of soluable solids in apples, kiwifruit and peach, using NIR spectroscopy. Determination of odor and flavor of white wine. Detecting color change in ripening process of bananas. Measuring color change of meat during cooking process
Gas Chromatography - UV absorption and gas detection
Gemmology - Value determination of diamonds (synthetic/natural) by measuring absorption peaks, measure color of diamonds and other gemstones. Determination of authenticity of gemstones, using Raman spectroscopy.
LCD industry - Measure transmission, retardance, twist angle, thickness and other optical properties of thin films
Light Industry - Measure Laser diodes and LED’s characteristics, measure irradiance values of light bulbs and UV-light sources, used for water purification
Medical - Measure hemoglobin, cytochromes and - carotene non-invasively, measure CO2 and HbO2 in the heart to monitor myocardial ischemia during bypass operations. Measure oxygen consumption of tumors. Fluorescence measurements for cancer diagnosis
Military - Identify color of smoke screens, transmission and illumination measurement on night vision devices
Narcotics - Identification of drugs with Raman spectroscopy
Nuclear Industry - To determine fluorescence in an active nuclear reactor
Optical Filters - Quality control to determine absorption and transmission properties of interference filters
Painting Industry - In-line measurement of color during color mixing process
Paper Industry - Measure color/whiteness of paper, humidity determination of pulp.
Particle Size analysis of cancer cells
Pharmaceutical - Determination of bacteria concentration in fermentors, endpoint detection in crystallization processes.
Plasma Etching - Layer thickness measurement
Printing Industry - Color determination of ink, spectral measurement of high-power UV light sources for drying printing ink.
Pyrometry - measuring temperature of turbine blades in electrical power plants
Radiometry - measuring energy spectrum of light sources and the sun
Raman Spectroscopy - Analysis of compounds in organic chemistry
Semiconductor Industry - Layer thickness measurement and mapping of wafers
Sun Glasses Industry - Measuring UVA, UVB, and UVC absorbance of sunglasses.
Textile Industry - Measuring colors
For some of the applications a typical setup and more detailed information are given in the following paragraphs.
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