Thin Film measurements - Misure di spessore Thin Film


The Thin Film measurement system is based on white light interference measurement to determine optical thickness. This white light interference pattern is translated through mathematical functions into optical thickness calculation. For single layer systems the physical thickness can then be calculated when the n and k values of the materials are known.

Il software di AvaSoft-ThinFilm ha un vasto database di dati dei valori di K e di N per la maggior parte dei materiali e coating di comune utilizzo.
Il sistema può misurare gli strati da 10nm a 50µm, con una risoluzione di 1 nm.

Thin Film measurement is frequently used in the wafer industry, where plasma etching and deposition processes need to be monitored. Other applications are in fields where optical transparent coatings on metals and glass substrates need to be measured.

The AvaSoft-Thin film application software enables on-line monitoring of layer thickness and has the possibility to be combined with other AvaSoft applications, such as XLS export to Excel and Process control.

Un tipico setup oer Thin film measurements è il seguente:

Components used in the thin film measurement setup are depicted in the following table:


AvaSpec- 2048

Grating UA (200-1100nm), 25µm slit , UV coating, OSC

Layer thickness

10 nm- 50 µm, 1nm resolution




AvaLight-DHc Compact deuterium-halogen light source

Fiber optics

FCR-7UV200-2-ME reflection probe UV/VIS, 2m, SMA


THINFILM-STAGE to hold reflection probe


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