PCS- 5000 Series Patch-clamp Micromanipulation Systems

Total Control in Patch Clamp Micromanipulation
Total control means your fingertip commands are instantly and precisely converted to smooth and predictable pipette motion without drift. Only Burleigh piezoelectric micromanipulators provide this capability because we use the solid-state stability of piezoelectric (PZT) technology.

PZT Technology
PZT actuators are solid ceramic structures that expand under applied voltage. When controlled by Burleigh's drive electronics and ergonomic control interface, extremely precise, fast, stiff and stable positioning is easily achieved. The position of each PZT actuator is determined by the DC voltage applied by the power supply. Burleigh's linear low-noise electronics and cables are fully shielded and carefully grounded to produce negligible interference of your recordings.

Simple Pipette Exchange
Burleigh Instruments PCS-5000 Patch Clamp Micromanipulators give you rapid, easy pipette exchange. Two pivot stages allow the entire micromanipulator assembly to be rotated forward. In the forward position, the headstage and pipette holder are very accessible, making pipettes easy to remove and insert. After a new pipette is installed, the micromanipulator assembly is rotated back to a precise and repeatable position. To see an animation of the PCS-5000 click here.

Pipette Drift of Less Than One Micron Per Hour
PZT actuators produce negligible internal thermal drift. When external thermal changes are considered, a Burleigh system contributes the same or less thermal position drift than other components such as the microscope, mounting structure and headstage. With proper temperature control, pipette drift of less than one micrometer per hour can be achieved. No other micromanipulator has inherently lower drift than a Burleigh Micromanipulator.

Components and Operational Features

PCS-520 Micromanipulator Assembly
The PCS-520 Micromanipulator Assembly consists of three linear stages, a headstage pivot, a base pivot, one set of angle brackets and a headstage mounting plate. It also includes a rotation plate adapter to kinematically mount the micromanipulator at any angle. Each linear stage, using cross roller bearings, provides 25 mm of coarse travel through a 32 thread per inch lead screw as well as a choice of 150 or 300 microns of PZT travel and 60 nm resolution through a special PZT flexure assembly.

PCS-503 Axis Control Unit (ACU)
Each of the three linear stages with PZT fine control has a cable that connects directly to any one of the three ports on the Axis Control Unit. Three full rotations of each potentiometer knob corresponds to the full range of the PZT travel.

PCS-PS-60 Power Supply
The PCS-PS-60 Power Supply provides a regulated, very low noise, constant 60 volt output for the Axis Control Unit. The power supply can be shared by two micromanipulator systems to minimize cost and space consumption when multiple manipulators are required on the same microscope.


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